I'm in a foul mood today -- no particular reason, "it was too much tequila, or not quite enough" -- so I have decided to vent a little. If you don't want to hear it, feel free to log off now.

I don't know if it was my addiction to BYB or the call of Christ to forgive, but after about six months of trying to find other places to eat lunch, I decided to give BYB another chance. I resigned myself to the fact I would not be able to get some of my favorites, and resumed a sporadic visit - no where near as regular as I had been.
I am not convinced that the company is still using 100% black angus beef for their burgers anymore, and I still hate their french fries (although they have returned the original seasoned fries to the menu). And occasionally they try to charge me extra for a 2 oz. tub of Ranch Dressing, which really pisses me off!
But yesterday took the cake. I ordered a "Loaded Baked Potato". According to BYB's web site, it is supposed to look like this:
What I received looked like this...

I tried to contact the company through its web site, but the "comments" section would not allow me to send the photo... and words just don't do it justice.
It may be time for another boycott...