Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Now what?

[Mates, this post may be one many of you won't understand. It's an in-house issue sweeping through the Captain's (unnamed) denomination. If you don't know what I'm talking about, consider yourself blessed and check back in a couple weeks. Hopefully I will be able to lighten it up by then.]

The Captain takes issue with Mr. Wonka.

About that “happily ever after” part.

Here’s where we are, mateys:

For the past year the Captain and his congregation has been living under the threat of disaffiliation.

Captain’s Note: That would be a movement to sever ties with the denomination. 

See also "mutiny".

Starting about a year ago, a small group of members, stirred up by outside forces bent on destroying our denomination, began stirring up trouble here.

They’ve had since 2019 to do something, but suddenly, with the December 31st deadline fast approaching, they began in earnest this past January.

They began by stirring up fear.

Fear of the dreaded “gay person”.

Fear that a gay person might one day be appointed pastor here.

Fear that a gay couple might want to hold a wedding here.

Mates, fear is irrational.

And this particular fear is about as irrational as it gets.

Nonetheless, undergirded by a couple misunderstood Bible verses, they stoked fear among the congregation.

Captain’s Note: They never acknowledge the numerous times the Bible says to observe a Sabbath once a week, an offense that calls for the community to stone to death the offending party.

Here’s how irrational they are being: if the rule was changed tomorrow (although it can't possibly be changed before May 2024), this congregation would not immediately have a gay pastor.

Your Captain knows this because I am not gay.

Funny Story: As your Captain was being considered for ordination many, many years ago, the final subcommittee I met with was wrapping up a convivial conversation – straightening up papers and standing to leave – and the chairperson asked if there was anything else I wanted to tell them. I quipped, “Do you mean like, 'I’m a self-professed practicing homosexual?'” Their countenances changed and they sat back down. 

“Kidding!” I quickly interjected. “Just kidding!”

But the next pastor to follow me likely would not be gay either. After 50 years of prohibitions against the ordination of homosexuals, there are no gay pastors in the ordination pipeline.

Besides, there are some congregations out there who truly do want a gay pastor! Such a person would not be available to this congregation for years to come.

It took 60 years after women were permitted to be preachers that a woman was finally appointed to this congregation. 

And they loved her!

(Most of them.)

But that wasn’t the only issue at play.

🕂This group wanted full ownership/control of the buildings and property.

🕂They wanted full control over the church’s designated funds.

🕂And they wanted control over the pastor that they would hire (rather than one that was appointed to them as I was).

The Captain did not directly oppose them, although I made it abundantly clear I did not agree with them.

I could tell by their poor organization that they wouldn’t survive as a church even if they prevailed in this vote. I even made helpful suggestions from time to time - which they ignored.

Here's the truth, Mates. A church built on hatred and lies simply will not stand.

So the congregation voted.

It was close, but the mutinous scallywags failed!

We will remain with the denomination!

I was relieved!

But now the real work begins. The Captain must pick up the pieces and move forward.

To be sure, people on the losing side have left, but they have not withdrawn their membership.

Yes, they’re waiting for the next opportunity. They’ll be back, mark my word!

They are still calling their friends, still encouraging others to leave.

And they are withholding their donations.

We will be financially pinched and will sooner-than-later have to make deep cuts.

This from a group that claims they love their church.

Here’s what they don’t seem to understand: if the church should now fail – due to membership loss or financial drain – it will not simply be handed over to this dissenting group. The denomination will sell it to the highest bidder...

Which is not them!

So here I sit, trying to determine our net losses, trying to envision a reasonable plan to move forward...

Mr. Wonka, my life would have been a lot simpler if I had not received what I wanted.