Postscript: Okay, I know it is odd beginning with the postscript, but this way you can more easily read what I wrote yesterday.
I watched the new incarnation of "Hawaii 5-0" last night.
Which means I missed seeing Reggie Bush get his leg broken -- out for at least six games! That's a major game-changer for the Saints.
First, a mea culpa. Some of my pre-show information was incorrect: the terrorist who killed McGarrett's dad was not Arab, although I wasn't able to determine exactly where he was from. Probably best. The black Mercury was in McGarrett's father's garage, not a warehouse. Chin Ho was not simply under investigation, he was kicked off the Hawaii police force accused of taking bribes. And Kono is still Kono, not Kona -- although he is a woman.
Yet my conclusion remains: I give the show one season. Here's why:
1) Alex O'Loughlin is not believable, either as a Navy SEAL or as the leader of a task force. His McGarrett is not a "team player", but uses others to his own end... and without due appreciation, it seems.
2) Despite the implication of a previous "romance" with the senior McGarrett, the Governor of the state is not going to appoint the victim's son to seek out the killer, much less promise him a free hand in doing it -- no rules, no accountability, all the resources of the state at his disposal. It's just not going to happen.
3) Although they had to introduce us to the main characters and get us involved in the show in just one hour, they also managed to catch (and kill?) the bad guy, whom McGarrett, as a Navy SEAL, had been tracking for the past five years! All based on a single lead! Would that my life was so tidy!
I will give the show a second chance next week, but don't count me as a fan. I just hope they give us a lot more of the Hawaiian scenery to distract from the glaring lack of premise and plot.
You can read my pre-show blog below:
* * * * *
Rest in peace, Jack Lord.

Oh, I know. Jack Lord died in 1998. But tonight, CBS is launching a new show that will make the dearly departed actor spin in his grave!
Yes, CBS is re-making “Hawaii Five-O”, the classic procedural police drama set in Hawaii that ran from 1968-1980.
Now, most of my friends would probably advise me to give the show a chance before I criticize it. ‘Who knows,’ they would say, ‘You might like it!’ And I would probably offer the same advice about some things.
Avocados, for instance.
Mmmmmm... guacamole!
And I will watch it tonight, changing the television channel away from a New Orleans Saints football game to see this train wreck first-hand.
Here are the facts: Jack Lord WAS “Hawaii 5-O”. Make no mistake about it, the rest of the cast, the Hawaiian scenery - even the hula girls - were all there just to make Jack look good. And he did!
Always in a suit and tie (keep in mind this is Hawaii!), his Steve McGarrett (a former Navy officer) led a special team of state police who solved the major crimes that seemed to always pass through the islands. “Danno”, Chin Ho, and Kono were virtually unbeatable.
There was rarely a “back story” on any of the characters. That wasn’t necessary. It wasn’t a touchy-feely kind of show. You knew who the good guys were – it didn’t matter why they were the good guys. And you knew who the bad guys were – it didn’t matter why they were the bad guys. The premise of the show was simple: the good guys catch the bad guys, and McGarrett says, “Book ‘em, Danno”.
And the show lasted for 12 seasons.
But now CBS, in its infinite wisdom, feels the need to re-make the classic show that was their bread-and-butter for so many years.
Have I ever told you how much I hate re-makes? And sequels? And prequels? And even the Baby Muppets!
There, I’ve said it! Yes, I hate the Baby Muppets!
My therapist will be so proud of me!
From what I have seen of the previews for this new show, save for the similar names and location, it will be nothing like the old classic. For instance, instead of the name “Hawaii 5-O”, they’re calling this one “Hawaii 5-0”. See the difference already?
And the new show starts with the capture and killing of Steve McGarrett’s ex-cop dad. In the original show, that back-story was mentioned only once, around season five. To update the show, the senior McGarrett is killed by Arab terrorists.
Nobody saw that coming in 2010, did they?
In the new show, Steve McGarrett is played by a scruffy Alex O’Loughlin, who apparently doesn’t even own a dark suit and tie, much less a razor. And not just a Navy officer, now McGarrett is a former Navy SEAL. He is recruited by the governor to put together a crack team to find his father’s killers.
This guy's supposed to be a Navy SEAL?
Anyway, think for a moment - audience participation time: If you were McGarrett, who would you recruit for our team? The best of the Hawaii State Police? More Navy SEALs? Other covert operatives?
No, McGarrett recruits Danny (“Danno”) Williams, a burned-out Haole cop who moves to Hawaii (which he hates) after his divorce in order to live closer to his children; Chin Ho Kelly, a cop with emotional ties to the senior McGarrett, but who is also under investigation by the department; and Kona Kalakaua**, a former surfing champ / rookie detective / cousin of Chin Ho.
Do they really want to catch the bad guys???
And do you see why I hate back-stories? Just tell me Peter Parker got bit by a radioactive spider and let’s move on. The Green Goblin’s getting away!
With a nod to the original show, Steve McGarrett will find the original show’s 1974 Mercury Marquis in a warehouse and restore it, and there will be a picture of a clipper ship behind McGarrett’s desk.
At that point, however, the similarities end. Expect more action, more car chases and more explosions while O’Loughlin tries to act tough for the camera.
I give it one season.
Hey, CBS, here’s a thought. Instead of trying to re-make a classic, why not just create something new? Want a cop show set in Hawaii? Why not call it “CSI: Hawaii” or “Hawaii Vice”? Then you can blow up anything you want and not ruin what was once the best show on television.
*Don’t recognize the name Alex O’Loughlin? Yeah, that’s because pretty much everything he has starred in has flopped: “The Shield” = 7 episodes. “Moonlight” = 16 episodes. “Three Rivers” = one season.
**As the name suggests, Kono was male; Kona is female. You should notice the difference right away.
***Okay, we're done already!