You see, four years ago, as we approached the elections, I considered supporting Mitt Romney. The U.S. economy was tanking and I believed that instead of a politician in the highest office in the land, we needed someone with real-world business experience. I didn’t know much about him then, other than that he was a businessman who had been called upon to save the Olympic Games in 2002.
The party chose to go with McCain/Palin instead, and quite effectively gave away the election.
This time around, however, as I have paid more attention to what’s going on, I find I can’t stomach either the Republican Party or its candidate. And there are just two reasons why:
First, there’s the Republican Party Platform. As spelled out at the Republican National Convention that is going on right now in Tampa, the Republican political platform includes an absolute position against abortion (even in the case of rape, incest, or threat to the health of the mother… see more below) and gay marriage (supporting a constitutional amendment stating marriage is one man and one woman); it opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants; it promises to repeal the Affordable Care Act and wants to convert Medicare into a voucher system; it wants to open up more possibilities for education (like homeschooling) and make English the official language; it opposes all gun control laws, supports the public display of the Ten Commandments, and opposes public employee unions.
Oh, and here’s a good one. They promise to wipe out ALL taxes on investment income and dividend income for the poor and middle class… like the poor and middle class have that much investment income!
In short, whatever the Democrats are in favor of, the Republicans are against it!
And that pretty much explains why
the current Congress has gone down in history as having done less than any
other Congress… ever! The Republican Party has made it their goal these past
four years to undermine everything President Obama and the Democratic Party
have attempted, even some pieces of legislation that they once favored! Their brazen
and unapologetic goal has been stated time and again: to make sure that
President Obama is a one-term president!
As an American citizen, I can’t
accept that. This is a Democracy. As Americans we have agreed that the highest
vote-getter wins. We can elect someone else in four years if we want, but in
the meantime, the President is OUR President! When we bicker and refuse to
cooperate, we all lose.
The angry rhetoric I have heard is simply unacceptable. There are those who still question the President’s place of birth, despite the public release of his birth certificate, despite the certification of the official in Hawaii who has responsibility for such, and despite actual newspaper announcements from the day. There are those who still question the President’s religious faith, despite his repeated assurance that he is a Christian. There are those who blame him for the financial mess of our country, despite the fact that it was former President Bush (a Republican) who gave away an inherited budget surplus through tax breaks (which the supposedly fiscally-responsible Republicans want to keep), who took us into two unnecessary and prolonged wars in the Middle East, who was looking the other way as the Banks played fast and free with our money, and who began the bail-outs that President Obama simply continued.
The angry rhetoric I have heard is simply unacceptable. There are those who still question the President’s place of birth, despite the public release of his birth certificate, despite the certification of the official in Hawaii who has responsibility for such, and despite actual newspaper announcements from the day. There are those who still question the President’s religious faith, despite his repeated assurance that he is a Christian. There are those who blame him for the financial mess of our country, despite the fact that it was former President Bush (a Republican) who gave away an inherited budget surplus through tax breaks (which the supposedly fiscally-responsible Republicans want to keep), who took us into two unnecessary and prolonged wars in the Middle East, who was looking the other way as the Banks played fast and free with our money, and who began the bail-outs that President Obama simply continued.
What? Was he supposed to just let
the American auto industry collapse? What would the Republicans say then!?!
And where is former President Bush
during the convention this week? He has become that crazy uncle that the family
locks in his bedroom whenever company comes over! They are embarrassed to be
associated with him and hope that no one will notice that he is not there.
Adding to the ugly rhetoric, one Republican in Texas argued for
a tax increase to beef up the local police by threatening that if President Obama
gets re-elected, a civil war is likely to erupt, and he wants a strong,
well-trained police force to protect the community when that happens!
No, instead of playing to the extremes
of the party/country, we should be looking for some middle ground. We have
become extremely polarized, which has led to our becoming paralyzed. The
Republican Party platform adopted this week only continues that polarization.

As if…
To that point, we can learn a lot
from whom he selected as his running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan, who drafted a
draconian budget proposal in 2010 that was approved twice by the Republican-controlled
House of Representatives, but defeated by the Democrat-controlled Senate.
To make matters worse, Romney’s millions
of dollars (which I don’t hold against him) have been safely deposited in Caymen
Island accounts and a secret Swiss bank account (which I do hold against him!) instead of being invested in
America. His refusal to release more of his tax returns than legally required
only raises more questions about his earlier business dealings. And because he has long led the high life, he is
completely out of touch with the concerns of the poor in our country.
Returning to the Republican Party’s
platform on abortion, we need to look at the recent pronouncements of other Republican
wack-a-doodles. A couple weeks ago, a congressman from Missouri (running for
the Senate) confirmed in an interview that he was totally opposed to abortion.
When pressed on if he would make an exception in the case of rape, he responded
that in the case of “legitimate rape”, a woman’s body has a way of shutting
down and she can’t get pregnant.
That fleeting moment of bad science was immediately shouted down by both Democrats and Republicans, and conservative talk-radio guru Rush Limbaugh suggested he drop out of the Senate race altogether. Even Mitt Romney expressed his disagreement with the statement and assured us that he would allow for abortions in the case of rape and incest, and if the life of the mother is at stake.
Some have criticized him for
spouting the “Mormon position” on abortion. The bigger problem is that’s not
what the Republicans voted for in their platform this week!
The more the Senate-wannabe tried
to apologize for his statement, the worse it got. Romney’s vice-presidential
pick tried to argue that rape is “just another method of conception”, so why should
an innocent baby have to suffer? Yet another Republican argued that abortion is
illegal in the case of rape because the father of the baby has parental rights –
yes, the rapist! – and unless he consents, the mother cannot have an abortion!
In fact, taken to a ridiculous extreme, there could be prolonged custody
battles, child support payments, etc. that would inextricably tie the woman to
her rapist for the next 18 years!
So, yes, I have made up my mind. I
cannot vote for Mitt Romney or any Republican in November. I just couldn’t
respect myself in the morning if I did.
The Democratic National Convention is coming up soon. I’ll let you know then if I can vote for President Obama or any Democrats.
The Democratic National Convention is coming up soon. I’ll let you know then if I can vote for President Obama or any Democrats.
In the meantime, I am carefully considering a
third-party candidate.
As my
friend and fellow blogger “Hula Girl at Heart” pointed out, “He knows how to build a billion dollar empire, stimulate
local economies and instill a positive attitude in large groups of people... consistently
and continually. Oh, and he doesn't say stupid stuff about women!”