Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Getting Closer...
As mentioned in my last post, the Captain is looking for a boat. And we think we're on to one!
But what with all the paperwork and details, one can easily understand why some turned to piracy!
Stay tuned for an announcement later this week...
P.S. - The Captain has added some new blog sites for you to check out. (See list to the right) Look for "Jenniferwgarrett", website of a budding author of young adult novels; "Karen Oliveto", blog of the UM Bishop of the Mountain Sky Area; and "Stonekettle Station", blog of Jim Wright, retired Navy Chief Warrant Officer. Each offer insights I hope you find worthy of your consideration.
Also know that I have removed a few bloggers as well. And for you other bloggers who have failed to post in months, your time is quickly running out.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay
Sorry this post was delayed. The Captain has been looking
for his ship to come in.
Literally. I want to buy a boat!
Being so close to the lakes area, it’s difficult to not be
out there enjoying everything it has to offer.
Now, the Captain likes to read.
I read mostly fiction, mostly set in Key West or the Florida
coast. And it seems everyone has a boat.
My favorite read right now is the “Trawler Trash” series by
Ed Robinson. His blog “Quit Your Job and Live on a Boat” can be found in the
list to the right. (Or go here.) He paints a very enticing picture of life on a
Sure we have friends with boats. And they are kind enough to
occasionally invite us to go out with them.
Much appreciated!
But there have been days – beautiful days! – when we have
sat around waiting for an invitation that never came…
One of the local marinas does an annual in-water boat show
(previously owned), and I always try to go.
Just looking, I tell myself. Can’t afford them anyway, I
tell myself. Some day, I tell myself.
Teasing myself. Torturing myself.
If only I had an extra $30,000 laying around…
This year was no different. I immediately fell in love with
an American Tug. Cute! Obviously cared-for. Well-appointed.
And bearing a $319,000 price tag!
Captain's Addendum 05-25-2017: I had the opportunity to tour the Tug today! It's amazing! The head has a dedicated shower stall, and there is even a washer/dryer on board!
Just as soon as I win the lottery...
Well, the boat show came and went this Spring; it was a cold
and rainy weekend. When I was up there last week I noticed that many of the same boats
were still in the water, waiting for someone to come buy them. So I decided I
would go take another look.
When I pulled up, who should be standing there but my friend
and fellow pirate, Captain Whitebeard.
He had come to the ship chandlery to buy a $4 part for his
22’ sailboat.
I explained why I was there, so he walked with me as I
looked at cabin cruisers. Then he mentioned that he knew a woman who worked in
the Yacht sales. “Come meet her.” So I did. As we talked, he asked - for himself - if she had
any good sailboats in her listings. She took us down to another dock and showed
us two or three that were – how do you say… “Project Boats”.
Of course, Captain Whitebeard is not afraid of tackling a
project, but he wanted something nicer this time. So she took us to a 29.5-footer
that was in amazing condition for its age. The owner was leaving town soon and
needed to sell the boat fast, so the price was way below book value.
It took the weekend, but Captain Whitebeard’s First Mate
fell in love with it too. They closed the deal yesterday!
So happy for them! We’ll be helping them set the sails this
But that leaves Captain Dave still without a boat.
Captain’s Note:
Add to this [false] urgency the fact that the First Mate’s family is coming to
spend a week at the lake with us, and boat rentals run around $350 per day.
Some describe boats as “money pits”, but spending that kind
of coin on a rental also seems like throwing it away! As with renting a house,
when you are done you have nothing to show for it.
So the Captain made a strategic retreat and aimed lower. Smaller boats closer to my
price range. I began scouring internet listings.
![]() |
*Make the picture fuzzy so you can't really tell the condition of the boat. |
![]() |
*Only show the exterior; the interior is why this one is selling so cheap! |
Uhm... no. Just. No. Nope. Nopitey nope! No way! No how! |
One of the difficulties is that I’m not sure what kind of
boat I really want…
Something flexible…
Large enough to carry friends...
A good party boat…
And something livable for when the
First Mate finally throws me out!
So I have looked at a lot of different boats.
I mean A LOT of boats!
What the Captain has discovered is that there is an
invisible threshold in boat sales, as there is in car sales.
I occasionally have brief flashbacks of the process of
buying my first car. Armed with $600 in my pocket, I looked at a lot of junks simply
because they were “in my price range”.
Then I discovered auto loans.
And the Captain has been in debt ever since.
I have done a little research on boat loans and have a
comfortable price range in mind. But it’s so easy to say, “For only $1,500 more
we could get that one…” Or “For only $3,000 more we could get that one…” And
before long I am daydreaming again of the big boats at the boat show.
“For only $25,000 more…”
“If I sold a kidney…”
But even for the more expensive of them, the Captain would still have
to cut canon ports and supply my own canon!
What is this world coming to?
Captain’s Note: The
First Mate is warming to the idea. But there is a lot of pegleg work left to do
and time is running short.
Pray for me, brethren!
Monday, May 15, 2017
Movie Review: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
“He who draws the sword from the stone, he shall be king!”
– Merlin, “Excalibur”
The Captain snuck off to the movies on Friday morning.
Yes, that is noteworthy. The last movie we saw in a theater
was “La La Land”.
The Captain was not impressed.
And I normally don’t “sneak away” during the daytime. But
this time I didn’t tell anyone I was going, and I didn’t invite anyone to join
me, because I knew the movie I had selected would be a giant turd.
And I was right.
Having grown up reading fairy tales and stories of knights
in shining armor rescuing damsels in distress, I am quite familiar with the
legends of King Arthur.
I have read most of the books written about the
exploits of the Knights of the Round Table and watched every movie I could
My favorite – besides the 1975 British comedy “Monty Python
and the Holy Grail” – is the 1981 British film “Excalibur”, with Nigel Terry as
Arthur and Nicol Williamson as Merlin. Filmed on location in Ireland, the movie
grossed $35 million (that would be $102 million today, adjusted for inflation),
costing only $11 million to make ($32 million adjusted for inflation).
Half of that cost was paid to the guy who polishes the armor!
Halloween 1986, I dressed as Williamson’s “Merlin” for the
campus Halloween Party I hosted.
Let’s just say the party was EPIC!
A few years later the First Mate even bought me a sword…
never got as far as armor though.
Probably a good thing.
This latest entry in the catalogue of Arthurian tales is
“King Arthur: Legend of the Sword”. Using largely computer-generated sets and
action, along with anachronistic haircuts and dialogue, and a heavy-metal sound
track, the $175 million flop yielded only $14.7 million in its first weekend in
“Rotten Tomatoes” gives it a 27% ranking.
Captain’s Note: I
have only walked out of two movies in my life. This one was close to being
number three!
To put those dollars into perspective, “Guardians of the
Galaxy 2” added another $66 million this weekend to its previous $145 million
box office opening. Even the Goldie Hawn/Amy Schumer dud, “Snatched”, beat King
Arthur by some $3 million!
Apparently the director, Guy Ritchie, was hesitant to bank
on the rippling muscles and dashing good looks of Charlie Hunnam as an oddly
reluctant king.
Whoops! Wrong show!
Captain’s Note:
Rumor is that marijuana might have helped Hunnam score the role.
So throughout this poorly-conceived action/adventure flick, the
use of computer-generated sets and creatures was heavy-handed; Arthur’s evil
nephew Mordred came off more as a Sauron-type character, complete with his own
evil tower in Mordor: and the legendary sword “Excalibur” was imbued with magical
powers – a la Thor’s Hammer.
To be fair, Arthurian legends vary about the true nature of
Excalibur, and the legends do sometimes clash. For instance, a prevailing
legend is that Arthur was proved King of Great Britain by pulling the sword
from the stone.
Oddly, in this most recent rendering, the “stone” turns out
to be the petrified body of Arthur’s father, Uther Pendragon!
Yes, I know. The Captain didn’t call “Spoiler Alert!” I
don’t care. You shouldn’t go see this travesty of a movie anyway!
However, there is another legend that says the sword of
power (“Excalibur” literally means “cuts through steel”) was given to Arthur by
the Lady of the Lake.
King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the
purest shimmering samite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water,
signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is
why I am your king.
Dennis: [interrupting] Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Python and the Holy Grail
Rather than a magical blade that enables Arthur to kill all
his opponents single-handedly (which makes the Captain wonder why the new
Arthur bothered to put together his rag-tag band of misfits to accompany him on
his journey to save Camelot), I prefer the more romantic notion from the 1981
Behold Excalibur! The sword of power! Forged when birds and beasts and flower
were One with Man, and death was but a dream!
Upon giving the sword first to Uther Pendragon, Merlin
expressed his hope that Excalibur would be used “to heal, not to hack”.
At that, Uther – a man driven by his lusts – failed miserably.
But the most recent manifestation of the story, Uther comes
off looking better than Arthur; Arthur simply uses the sword to hack. Camelot
is saved once Arthur kills all the bad guys!
And in the end, the once-reluctant King moves into the
castle, orders his servants to build a “round table” for him and his homeboys
to hang out around, and conducts court with a very cocky attitude.
Because, after all, he IS the biggest badass of them all!
Thanks to the legendary sword.
The days of our kind are numbered. The one
God comes to drive out the many gods. The spirits of wood and stream grow
silent. It's the way of things. Yes... it's a time for men, and their ways.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Why a Pirate?
Are you kidding me?
Flashback: One afternoon when I was in high school, I went to the
grocery store with me dear ol' mother. There, in a giant bin, were cheap
inexpensive teddy bears for sale. It dawned on me then that I was never given a
teddy bear as a child and so, just joking around, I began whining to my mother,
“I want a teddy bear!” Well, she obviously didn’t understand I was only kidding
and she circulated word among my other relatives that “Dave wants a teddy
That Christmas, this future Captain got no less than four
teddy bears!
And it was the beginning of a collection that grew until,
one day I realized they were all stuffed into a long-unpacked-box. I kept my
favorite – “Dave Bear”, who had been my constant companion throughout college
and seminary – and donated the rest.
Fast forward to the present: my closest friends call me
“Capt. Dave” instead of my professional title “Rev. Dave” or “Bro. Dave”. And as
with the teddy bears before, friends will often point out or send me pirate-related
items, which I always appreciate.
Captain’s Note: I
am not alone in this passion, but I will not call out fellow pirates without
their permission. However, you can find some of them in the links to the right.
My greatest goal is to one day buy a boat worthy of the name
“Banana Winds”, and to become her Captain.
One day.
So recently a friend was in a store in another town and ran
across a decorative pirate ship. He tagged me in a photo of it on Facebook.
Now, if the Captain bought everything “pirate-related” that
friends shared with me, I’d need a second house just to hold it all.
As it is, I still need a second house to hold all my shit
But I digress…
Several comments later, a wag (who also happens to be my
Boss) posted a dictionary definition of “pirate”:
noun pi·rate \ˈpÄ«-rÉ™t\
- : someone who attacks and steals from a ship at sea
- : someone who illegally copies a product or invention without permission
- : a person or organization that illegally makes television or radio broadcasts
After which he asked, “Why would you want to emulate that?”
Well, after the Captain looked up the word “emulate”…
: to equal or approach equality with
…I responded with a Jimmy Buffett video and a “Why not?”
I wanted to post this:
… but opted for a kinder, more socially-acceptable response.
Captain’s Note: There
is a much longer answer – which explains a whole lot about who I am – but I’m
not ready to share that with the public just yet.
My question was (and still is): as a child, didn’t you ever
want to be something/someone you are not?
Go back and re-read some of my Halloween posts…
It’s okay. We’ll wait…
A big part of a happy life is the use of the imagination.
When role-playing, I can be anyone I want to be. Today, I am a pirate.
I mean, why do I always have to be the “good guy”? That’s my day job.
And know that while I am sitting across from you with a
serene smile on my face, in my mind the Captain is pillaging and plundering!
Think about this: Would there be a Superman if there hadn’t
been a Lex Luthor? Would there be an Elliot Ness if there hadn’t been an Al
Capone? Would there be a Robert Maynard if there hadn’t been a pirate named
Frankly, you guys need us! We make you look good!
Rest assured, the Captain has yet to commandeer a sailing ship…
has yet to fire a canon… has yet to rob another of his gold and jewels…
We won’t talk about the drinking of rum.
At this point, I am simply the humble Captain of the Banana
Winds, an internet blog successfully approaching its 10th year of
And in that the Captain has persevered where many others have
I don’t yet have a boat – unless you count the First Mate’s
kayak – but I am on the water as often as I can talk friends into letting me
ride along.
They tend to keep a watchful eye on me though…
And on their rum!
So relax. It’s okay if you don’t get it.
I don’t care.
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