Your Captain is not one to back down from a fight, so as
recent news reports have stirred up a controversy that is deeply emotional,
over which people almost immediately begin screaming at one another, I jumped
into the fray.
No, I’m not talking about Trump’s stupid wall this time!
Mateys, if you are one of them that is easily offended, you
are not going to enjoy today’s post.
Perhaps you should take a little break and join us again
next week.
Here we go!
After years of trying, New York’s new Democratic majority
has finally passed an abortion law that, by some accounts, appears to open the
door to unrestrained abortions.
Captain’s Note:
The need to pass such a bill seems more urgent now that the U.S. Supreme Court
has a conservative majority and might, one day soon, overturn Roe v. Wade.
Up until the recent law went into effect, New York did not
allow for abortions after 24 weeks. It was written into the criminal codes
there. Today, within limits, a woman may abort her child almost to the point of
Cruel, you say? Murder, you cry? Please keep reading.
The passage of this new law immediately drew fire from the
so-called “pro-life” folks. Memes began appearing on social media showing
precious newborns who might possibly have been legally aborted under this new
![]() |
Still with the Hillary thing? SMH! |
There were heart-rending stories of parents who, despite the
counsel of their physicians, chose to deliver a child at the risk of losing the
baby, the mother, or both.
True, many of those are fortunate to have survived. Not everyone
has been so lucky.
Captain’s Note: Yes,
mates, the medical community does not know everything. And in many cases,
humanity tends to prevail despite the odds. The question is, are you willing to
gamble with your life as the stakes?
Others regurgitated the age-old argument of what our world
would be like if [insert name of famous person] had been aborted.
Your Captain has often wondered the same about some others…
Babies, children, and young adults die every day for a
variety of reasons – some preventable, others not – but no one ever wonders how
they could have changed the world.
Captain's Note: Now that I think about it, if you are reading this that means you are still alive! So how are you using that life to make a difference in the world today?
So I engaged with a few so-called “pro-lifers” on social media
I immediately noticed that when taken to task about the
moniker “pro-life” – because their views often don’t encompass the whole scope
of life – one person screamed back, “Stop trying to confuse the issue! Everyone
knows ‘pro-life’ just means anti-abortion!”
Hmmmm. That’s not what that word sounds like to me. It seems
to me that someone who is PRO life would also be in favor of the ready
availability of quality medical care and affordable health insurance – for everyone - from the
cradle to the grave! Someone who is PRO life would encourage healthy patterns
of living and work toward a clean environment. Someone who is PRO life would be
opposed to unbridled gun ownership and even capital punishment.
I could go on…
Another commenter began quoting passages from the
Christian Bible related to punishments for the death of a child. None of the
texts cited actually addressed abortion. I commented that all of these were
taken out of context, which enraged my foe.
“So you think God thinks it’s okay to kill little babies?”
For her sake, I took a couple other verses out of context and encouraged
her to consider what is also contained in her holy book: where the Israelites
were commanded [by their God] to stone to death their disobedient children, and that horrible
verse about “dash the children’s heads against a rock”.
No response to that one.
Go figure.
But that same commenter started another stream about how one
can’t be “pro-life” and “pro-vaccination”…
“Because God didn’t make a mistake when he created our
immune systems.”
Your Captain queried, “How is that ‘pro-life’? So your god
thinks it is okay for a child to die from one of these preventable diseases?”
Another commenter jumped in arguing that there weren’t “that
many” deaths prior to the introduction of vaccines, but since then there has
been a huge increase in autism diagnoses.
I sent her to a page at the Center for Disease Control,
where the word “thousands” is used repetitively.
Another anti-vaxxer argued, “I have not vaccinated my
children and they are still alive!”
But then there is also this:
Oy! My head hurts!
Then the first pro-life / anti-vaxxer came back with
“There’s aborted fetus tissue in today’s vaccines. Does God want us to shoot up
our children with aborted fetus tissue?”
I confessed I could not speak for her god – and quietly wished
she would stop trying to – but I assured her there is not aborted fetus tissue
in today’s vaccines.
Because your Captain did his research.
Yes, in the 1960s, as researchers were looking for cures to
these horrible childhood diseases, a cell line was taken from two legally-aborted
Only two!
Vaccines are cultured in these cell lines, which are now so
far removed from the original tissue that even the Roman Catholic Church has
approved the use of the vaccines.
Captain’s Note: Sadly, other vaccines that have been cultured in cell-lines from animals have been
decried by anti-vaxxers as “dirty’.
We just can't win...
Again, how can you say your god cares so much about us
having babies only to let them die of curable diseases?
But I digress… as did that online conversation.
No one – except may those extremists on social media –
really believes that now that abortions are legal in New York after 24 weeks
everyone is going to run right out to have one!
Imagine, thousands of women – probably Hillary Democrats, am I
right? – intentionally getting pregnant just so they can have a late-term
abortion and kill a viable fetus!
I don’t think so.
Statistics show that less than 10% of legal abortions occur
after 14 weeks, and less than one percent occur after 21 weeks.
So such a scenario would be extremely unlikely.
But that’s not really my point here.
If abortion was to be ruled completely illegal – with no
exceptions, as some would prefer it – women would be forced to give birth to
the child of their rapist; and then what...? Mothers would have to carry non-viable
fetuses to term, only to endure the additional pain of delivering a dead
infant. Fetuses discovered to be severely deformed would be born; those that
survive the birth trauma would have to be cared for the rest of their lives…
however long or short that may be.
So you better have good health insurance! Just sayin'...
“But every child is precious,” you say. Yes, but children have
been born without limbs, without eyes, even without brains. Would you inflict such
a life upon your child?
Captain’s Note:
In the case of a child born without a brain, the existing brain stem allows the
heart and lungs to function. Most infants born with this tragic condition are
not expected to live but a few weeks; however, a child in England survived for
twelve years.
No one should have to live in such a state.
Perhaps the Captain is just a heartless bastard.
Okay, I’ll own that.
I prefer to think of myself as PRO life... in favor of and encouraging a quality life!
As a young powder-monkey in middle school, your Captain
looked into the issue of abortion for a speech class debate. After researching
and reading numerous articles about the era when abortions were illegal, which
detailed how desperate women would seek illegal abortions in back alleys and
unsanitary settings, even resorting to self-aborting by drinking a poisonous
concoction or using a coat-hanger which left them bleeding and, often, dead, I
decided then – and still believe – that in a civilized society, safe abortions
must always be available.
Regrettable, but necessary.
Because there are desperate people in desperate situations
who will do desperate things.
Here’s the Captain’s final word on this: If you are one of
those “pro-life” people who believes abortion is a mortal sin, then don’t have
one. I will support your decision.
However, please don’t legislate your morality so that others
do not have access to the proper medical care they – and you – may one day need!
Never say never, my friend.