Yesterday the Captain was sick at home.
Raking leaves on Saturday was not a good idea for someone with my vast assortment of allergies.
As I was channel-surfing I came across a re-run of “Nash
Shut up!
In that episode, Nash was in conversation with a television
station, asking them to not report on a particular crime until the police had a
chance to investigate.
The news reporter spoke up indignantly, “You’re trying to
abridge our First Amendment rights!”
Actually, no, that’s not how it works.
Perhaps you should try reading the Constitution.
As our denomination moves toward another global gathering at
which many are hoping/expecting the delegates to finally resolve the church’s
issue with gays and lesbians, the rhetoric is heating up.
The Captain has tried to ignore all the uproar, for the most
part. I don’t get to vote (yet), and despite the general consensus right now,
what happens in May is anybody’s guess.
And I am not going to lose sleep over what “might” happen.
But I have engaged a couple people in conversations on
Facebook and I realize that there is no longer a middle ground in this debate.
The more conservative side claims to have the Bible on their side.
End of discussion.
But then, the more liberal side also claims to have the Bible on their side.
Ironically, the more conservative side – they call
themselves “Traditionalists” now – are painting themselves as the victims here.
One person the Captain engaged on Facebook is actually
married to an ordained female pastor.
Captain’s Note:
He apparently is not aware that it has been only recently that women were
allowed to be ordained.
Because the Bible said.
And he is apparently not aware that many of those same “evil” Progressives (previously labeled "Liberals" or "Damned Liberals") fought for the rights
of women in general – and for his wife in specific – to be ordained despite those who
insisted, “But the Bible says…”
Nonetheless, he cried that he has been treated unfairly at
church because he takes the Traditionalist side.
Yes, the church at which his wife is pastor.
And she supports him in his views.
When I suggested that he had experienced nothing like what
my gay friends have experienced, he replied, “You don’t know.”
No, I think I do...
Call me when Westboro Baptist shows up at your house.
He later said he didn’t feel “safe” going back to that
...where his wife is pastor.
When I asked him if someone had physically threatened him –
the Captain was gearing up for battle! – he admitted he may have misspoke; he
should have said he felt “unwelcomed” there because of his views.
Apparently someone, either at church or on social media, had
called him a homophobe and other names because of his extreme right-wing views.
I wanted to press on and ask how he thought gays and
lesbians felt when they were denied the privilege of getting married or being
ordained - in the church many of them grew up in - but I thought it wiser to sign off instead.
Then yesterday I read a blog posted by a Traditionalist.
After spouting the usual talking points, he got around to crying because the Progressives wanted everything their way.
That is, the Progressives want to fully welcome all people
into the life of the Church.
Marriage. Ordination. Everything that any other baptized,
member in good standing is entitled to.
The blogger cried that it is not fair that he can’t freely
practice his beliefs.

Oppressive though they are…
He insisted that after the denomination splits (which seems
inevitable), the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) will fully welcome gays
and lesbians.
“We love all people!”
They just can’t be ordained or married there.
Because the Bible says they are worse sinners than everyone
else and need to give up their abhorrent lifestyle and live and believe like
the rest of us…..
So, because I disagree with you – actively oppose you, in
fact – that makes you the victim?
Despite the fact that what you believe and practice actually
victimizes others?
Captain’s Note:
This same tactic is being used by White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis and other
supporters of President Trumpf.
There are just too many people claiming to be victims in our
world today.
If someone throws a rock through your window, you might be a
victim. But if someone tells you you can’t throw a rock through someone’s
window, you are not the victim!
It really is that simple. Figure it out!