Okay, here’s what I am afraid of.
[Deep breath…]
Our country is so messed up that nobody wants to be
Seriously. Think about it. Have you ever seen so many
supposedly seasoned politicians screw up so royally as during the 2012
Presidential race?
Here’s how I think it went down. Newt, Mitt, Jon, Michele,
Herman and the two Ricks were sitting around on one of Mitt’s yachts one
fateful evening in 2011, drinking heavily and playing high-stakes poker, and
laughing about Sarah Palin’s latest gaffe.
Speaking to a crowd
in Boston, she recounted Paul Revere’s famous ride in her now-famous “I Could
Be President One Day” style: “He who
warned, uh, the ... the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our
arms, uh, by ringin' those bells and, um, by makin' sure that as he's ridin'
his horse through town to send those warnin' shots and bells that, uh, we were
gonna be secure and we were gonna be free ... and we were gonna be armed.” (*These
are her exact words.)
Jovial laughter filled the air.
“But seriously,” asked Newt, as he folded yet another losing
hand, “who do you think the Republicans are going to run against Barack in
“You couldn’t pay me enough to take the job,” Mitt said,
reminding the gang that he is filthy rich.
“You know what would be funny?” Herman piped in, taking
another swig from the half-empty bottle of Gentleman Jack they were passing
around. “One of us should run!”
Chortles of laughter filled the room as Mitt dealt the next
hand. “No,” said Michele, pulling another puff off a large Cuban cigar, “we
should all run!”
“Why not?” Jon chimed in. “The Party tried to sell McCain/Palin
last time. We couldn’t do any worse!”
And so, in a moment of drunken jocularity, they all agreed
to throw their hats into the ring, each thinking surely the Party would come up
with a real candidate before things got too serious and they could drop out.
The next morning, nursing some serious hangovers, they all
began to question what they had done the night before – hoping that no one took
photos with their cell phones – and began planning how they could undo it
before it was too late.
But it was already too late. They were the Republican
candidates for the once-coveted office of President of the United States of
Michele was the first to look for an “out”. She didn't want to appear to obvious. When asked a
foreign policy question, she answered, "Now with the president,
he put us in Libya. He is now putting us in Africa. We already were stretched
too thin, and he put our special operations forces in Africa." (*These are her exact words.) Of course,
she knows all along that Libya is in Africa!
Herman, taking his campaign with all the gravitas of a pizza commercial, was also asked about
Libya in another interview: "Okay,
Libya… President Obama supported the uprising, correct? President Obama called
for the removal of [Muammar] Gaddafi. Just wanted to make sure we're talking
about the same thing before I say, 'Yes, I agreed. No, I didn't agree'. I do
not agree with the way he handled it for the following reason… Nope, that's a
different one." Herman shifted uncomfortably in his chair, reaching
absent-mindedly for the bottle of Jack that wasn’t there, adjusted his jacket
and looked up again. "I got all this
stuff twirling around in my head." (*These are his exact words.)
How else but intentional could you explain this exchange at
the debate last November:
Rick: "It's three government agencies when I get
there that are gone: Commerce, Education and the um, what's the third one
there. Let's see…" (He
turned to Texas Rep. Ron Paul – who was not at the poker game that night – looking
for some help, but got nothing but a remark from Paul that he would eliminate
five agencies.) "Oh, five. So
Commerce, Education, and, uh, the uh, um, um."
Mitt (having some good-natured fun with his poker buddy): "EPA?"
Rick: "EPA, there ya go."
CNBC moderator John Harwood: "Seriously?
Is EPA the one you were talking about?"
Rick: "No sir. No sir. We were
talking about the, um, agencies of government. The EPA needs to be
Harwood: "But you can't name the
third one?"
Rick: "The third agency of
government. I would do away with the education, the um, Commerce, and let's
see. I can't think of the third one. I can't. Sorry. Oops." (*This is
the actual transcript from the debate.)
And how else can you explain Mitt’s $10,000 wager with Rick –
on live television – in the Iowa debate a month later?
Michele, solidifying her chances of losing, nailed it again
when she told folks in Iowa, “John Wayne
was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit I have too!” (*These are her exact words.) Of course she knew that John Wayne was from Winterset, Iowa,
and that John Wayne Gacy was from Waterloo. What do you think she is… stupid?
Newt, hoping to end his candidacy quickly, promised the country
that he could make the price of gas magically drop to $2.50 per gallon if he
were elected!
Sadly, the gaffes kept coming, but the Republican Party didn’t
send in anyone else. One by one – using every excuse from sick children to sex
scandals to “My dog ate my acceptance speech” – the poker buddies dropped out.
“Crap, I almost won that primary!”
In fact, before Mitt could come up with a good excuse – he was
sure his Mormon faith would knock him out of the race – he found himself to be
the last man standing!
And even when it became obvious that he was to be the
candidate, he kept the gaffes coming, hoping for a brokered convention. “I’m not concerned about the very poor… I
like firing people… Big Business is doing fine!” (*These are his exact words from different speeches.)
“Heck,” he said, because Mormons don’t cuss, “if Sarah Palin
wants to be President, she can have it!”
He even went so far as to select Paul Ryan to be his running
mate, but even that didn’t help get his name off the ticket!
Now, if you think I’m just slamming the Republicans yet
again, you are wrong. I suspect there have been similar poker nights recently among
the Democrats as well. And in 2012, after presiding over a recession, dealing
with two wars overseas, and four years of hell in the Oval Office, I don’t
think President Obama wants to be re-elected either. As proof, think about
this: after being elected in 2008, why do you think he refused to release his
birth certificate for so long? He was just pouting and hoping someone would
make the 2008 election go away! And this year, with the economy still
recovering, he announces, “The private
sector is doing fine!” (*These
are his exact words.)
And, I mean, seriously, Joe Biden as his Vice President?
Biden is a veritable “Gaffapalooza!” He even falls asleep – on live television!
– during the President’s speeches!
So what I fear we are witnessing today is a big game of “Last
Man Standing”, in which the “winner” takes all… in this case, that would be a
four year sentence as President of these “not-so-United” States of America.
And nobody wants that!
Lord, help us!