The Captain is not an asshole.
This may surprise some people. Others may want to argue it.
All I ask for is the Truth.
I’m not talking about philosophical Truth.
"What is truth? It's such a changing law. What is truth? Are mine the same as yours?" |
Sorry. A momentary flashback.
Specifically, when you are posting or sharing something on
Facebook, please, Please, PLEASE!... check first to see if it’s true.
It takes like… two seconds… to Google something these days.
This morning as I was surfing Facebook, I came across a post
shared by a friend. It lamented the fact that the news today is full of murders
and all kinds of other bad stuff (which is true), but no one has mentioned the
death of a Medal of Honor recipient who passed away.
Indeed, the Medal of Honor recipient had a very compelling
story of heroics in military conflict. His death – along with his life – should
have been noted.
Unfortunately, when I checked it out, it turns out the Medal
of Honor recipient died in 2008.
Maybe that’s why we haven’t heard anything about it recently…?
And then there was this one posted this evening:
I don't even know what to say about it.
Another item I came across from a different friend was a story written by a gentleman who claimed to be on a commercial
airplane that served as a “dry run” for a terrorist attack. It was boarded by
11 Muslim passengers who were acting strangely, being generally disruptive, and
disturbing the flight crew – to the point that the pilots disembarked and the
writer of the story grabbed a stewardess and physically carried her off the
plane… “for her own safety”.
Again, a Google search quickly revealed there is not
corroborating evidence to support these claims.
Captain’s Note: The writer led off with a note saying all
these events were covered up by the national media - which would explain why no one else has heard this - but he assures us he is
reporting the truth.
The Truth is, the person supposedly writing the story was
not even on the plane! At the time this incident allegedly happened, he was on
another flight that would have arrived at the airport 40 minutes later.
And as it turns out, this story has been circling the internet
since 2009.
In the first case, it doesn’t surprise your Captain that
people have been uncritically passing along this story for the last seven years.
We are tired of hearing the “bad news” and – especially if you are
patriotically inclined – we want to lift up a story of a modern day hero.
But did no one check along the way to see if this was
current events?
Now for all we know, the war hero could have been given a
ticker-tape parade when he died. He could have been entombed in a gold casket.
The President of the United States may have given his eulogy.
None of that happened, but it is quite possible that he was
duly honored back in 2008. Why didn’t anyone check before passing along this
As for the second example, words simply escape me. Perhaps too much wine?
And finally, the third example. It truly pains your Captain to
think that some poor misguided imbecile intentionally sat down and wrote a fabricated
story about potential terrorists, unfairly casting Muslims as the villains and
himself as the hero.
What’s the matter? Is your life too boring? You can only
fantasize about being a hero?
Have you considered enlisting in the military?
Again, the Captain is not trying to be an asshole about
this. I just want the Truth. Is that too much to ask?
Yet so much of what I read on Facebook is not true. So much
of what I see on television these days is not the truth. So much of what I
hear in the current political campaigns is simply not the truth.
Truth may be unpopular. In many cases Truth is boring.
But Truth is what it is. It doesn’t need your help. It doesn’t
need to be embellished.
So please, check out the story before you pass it along.
Just tell me the truth. Always.
I might not like it.
[Thanks. I already know I have a growing bald spot!]
But if you tell me the truth, I won’t be left guessing what
other lies you might be telling me.