Another backlash against large corporations.
It doesn't mean a lot, but the Captain regularly gets condemning looks when I go to the self-check lane at Walmart.
For me, self-check is a matter of convenience. I can get out of the store faster and I don't have to "chat" with a real person.
"Oh, but you're doing away with jobs."
"Oh, but you're 'working' for the corporation."
Again, the Captain is getting out of the store faster...
And without having to talk to people.
So, for those of you who think the Captain is a terrible person - thank you! - let me ask you this:
When was the last time you called the operator to put your telephone call through?
Did you stop to think about the people you put out of work with your fancy self-dial phone?
Did you pump your own gas today?
Did you stop to think of all the gas jockeys you put out of work?
Did you buy a newspaper on your way to work?
What about that newsboy who needs the work?
Did you type your own letters on your computer? Send your own emails?
What about all the girls in the secretarial pool you put out of work?
Did you stop by your ATM to get cash today?
How many bank tellers did you put out of work?
Did you buy something from Amazon today?
Don't you know that's why the malls are closing?
Did you fly somewhere today? I know you used the self-check-in kiosk there.
Did you think about the poor ticket-desk employees you put out of work?
Did you eat at a buffet tonight? Salad bar? [Gag!]
Think about all those poor waitresses you put out of work!
The Captain's point is this: all of this is progress.
You may not like it at the moment, but given time, it will become as natural as buying your groceries at a store instead of growing your own.
Oh snap! There I go again!
And here's the reality as it relates to Walmart:
So the Captain will continue to self-check. Thank you for your concern.